An Update from Ben on School Budget and City Council Run

At the end of 2022, I decided to take a break from social media. It was a moment of deep challenges for the School Board, and it was also a moment of significant change for me personally. I needed space to reorient my professional life, and I did not want to cause any unnecessary and additional angst for my valued colleagues on the Board. I have remained fully engaged, but in a far more quiet way.  

However, I am coming back online today for a few reasons. First, with the experience of the last 15 months I know now that I can steer around the potential potholes that come with being a Board member and the MEA General Counsel. Our firewalls have proved sturdy, and I have settled in my niche on the Board.  

Second, this particular school budget is too important not to have all of our ears and voices facing outward to the community. In the past, I have tried to be a repository for good information and analysis - and also provide a place for others to convey and debate their ideas or concerns. That is my goal again during this season of difficult choices. 

Finally, for many reasons I will develop over the coming weeks, I am also embarking on another campaign - this time for at-large City Council. Our CIty deserves a politics that leads to progress, and I think I am well positioned to put a strong hand on that wheel.  

It’s good to be back in this space, and I look forward to hearing from folks who have an interest in everything Portland right now. I’ll be back very soon in this space to begin diving into the school budget. 


Ben Grant

Candidate for Portland City Council At-Large

Join the Campaign. Get Involved!


Portland School Budget Update (04/03/2024)