Public Transportation

A couple themes have emerged from my conversations around the City:

  1. We need greater frequency and predictability in the bus system. I have a kiddo who rides the bus to PHS on a daily basis, so I know the system works fine. But…we should work to be even better. With greater frequency around and on the peninsula, I am sure we can turn many more car-commuters into bus-commuters.

  2. Traffic calming. Several side streets have become alternate routes around major intersections (think Hersey St. to avoid Woodfords Corner, for instance). I will work to promote appropriate traffic calming measures in these areas to increase the safety of residents and pedestrians.

  3. We should be part of a regional effort to oppose sprawl-inducing projects like the Gorham “Connector” (read: Boondoggle). They are bad to the environment, bad for population density, bad for land conservation, and will set back the cause of public transportation for years. Even on it own terms, it does virtually nothing to solve the “problem” it was designed to address.


City Workers